Analisis Tipologi dan Komodifikasi Simbolik Warung Muslim di Singaraja-Bali
Symbolic Capital, Symbolic Commodification, Muslim Food StallAbstract
The existence of Muslim food stalls as a branding is a response to the beliefs of the Muslim population, both newcomers and long-time residents of Singaraja, Bali. Food and beverage products are the main concern for Singaraja Muslims in ensuring the halalness of a product. The entity of a Muslim food stalls has a significant role as a place that provides symbolic space in affirming a person's intention to make a choice of a stall that has a strong religious symbolism. This study aims to analyze the typology of the existence of Muslim food stall branding in Singaraja and how Muslim food stall branding develops into a commodity that is not just a symbol, but has its own influence and selling value to Muslim consumers in Singaraja. This research uses a case study method with a descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that; (1) The typology of Muslim shop branding can be seen in three models, namely implicit symbol, explicit symbol, and mixed symbol; (2) The presence of Muslim branding for food stall owners is motivated by the realm of belief and faith; (3) Providing a guarantee of the halalness of a product as an effort to crystallize the concept of halal as a religious teaching; (4) Making religious symbolism as a commodity that has its own selling value in shaping public perception, especially in the Muslim community in Singaraja. Muslim food stall branding is an effort to create symbolic capital, where Pierre Boardieu's concept of social capital places symbols as part of the accumulation of other capitals to create economic capital.
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