Strategi Adaptif Masyarakat Pesisir Terhadap Diversifikasi Sumber Mata Pencaharian

(Studi Kasus pada Masyarakat Pesisir Pulau Kaung Kabupaten Sumbawa)




Strategy, Adaptation, Coastal, Island, Diversification, Livelihood.


The high dependence on natural factors makes it difficult to predict the household income of fishermen and coastal communities, so that family economic planning is difficult to plan completely. The ups and downs of coastal communities' income from fishing continues to decline over time, along with damage to coral reefs, mangrove forests, climate change and extreme weather and even anomalies here and there, while on the other hand various socio-economic factors, namely capital, boats, fishing experience, distance traveled at sea and labor are latent factors and determinants of the quality of life of fishermen from fishing (Ridha, 2017), including what happens to fishermen on Bungin Island, Sumbawa. However, despite the high ratio of income uncertainty from fishing, it is almost rare to find fishermen who leave their profession completely and then switch to a new livelihood, even though there is diversification of livelihoods available all around. Maybe it is true what Rogers said, that how complex a new innovation is for a person (in this case a new profession for fishermen) will determine how likely the innovation is to be adopted and diffused (As'adi, 2020). This research is a qualitative paradigm research with a case study design. Research locus on Kaung Island, Sumbawa Regency. Key informants were selected purposively while main and supporting informants were obtained through snowball sampling. Research data was collected through in-depth interviews and observation. Data analysis uses Miles&Huberman interactive analysis. The research results show that the majority of coastal communities on Kaung Island are taking active strategies as a form of adaptation to the diversification of available livelihoods, namely by making all commodities along the coast offered and sold through various online and offline platforms, such as shells, ornamental corals, ornamental fish, sea pearls, aesthetic shells, even coral which are considered unique and aesthetic in shape, next are boat rentals, selling food, drinks, playgrounds, parking and even accommodation. Promotions and offers are carried out online such as through placemarket, tik-tok, Facebook groups and various other social media. The factors that influence their choice of strategy are supporting facilities, understanding and mastery of marketing strategies, risks and level of difficulty in making strategic choices, and market opportunities.


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How to Cite

Ramdani, T., Juniarsih, N. ., & Rahmawati, R. (2023). Strategi Adaptif Masyarakat Pesisir Terhadap Diversifikasi Sumber Mata Pencaharian : (Studi Kasus pada Masyarakat Pesisir Pulau Kaung Kabupaten Sumbawa). RESIPROKAL: Jurnal Riset Sosiologi Progresif Aktual, 5(2), 162–173.


